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Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love

Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love By  Jackie Pilossoph ,  Founder, Divorced Girl Smiling, the place to find trusted, vetted divorce professionals, a podcast, website and mobile app. Let’s talk about unconditional love vs conditional love. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful sounds in the world is that of a child singing. So, when I happened to walk by my 12-year-old daughter’s room recently and heard her sweet voice singing the new R. City and Adam Levine hit song,  “Locked Away (Would You Still Love Me The Same)”  I stood outside the door and listened. “If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?” she sang. “If I showed you my flaws, if I couldn’t be strong, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?” With instant tears in my eyes, I wanted to burst into her room, grab her and say, “Yes!”       The unconditional love that all parents have for their children never wavers, as far as I can tell. We love and fully
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Child Support Statistics That Might Surprise You

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Southside's Top Rated Child Support Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Chicago's Top Rated Divorce lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Post Divorce Insurance

Post Divorce Insurance By  Rosemary Frank, MBA, CDFA, ADFA, CFE, MAFF   Updated: October 31, 2016 Categories:  Financial Issues Thinking ahead about several types of insurance that may be required to protect the terms of your settlement will enable you to include discussion of them during negotiations. You don’t not want any surprises at the end, whether you are the prospective insured or the beneficiary. Such a surprise could derail the terms you and your spouse have thus far agreed upon. The most commonly understood need for life insurance involves having a policy on the life of the payer of any stream of post-divorce payments, with the payee as the beneficiary. Consider this:  if you, as the payee, have agreed upon a Marital Dissolution Agreement (MDA) which includes child support, alimony, and/or property settlement note payments, which your ex-spouse will make to you for some number of years, you will be depending upon those funds in order to meet your own needs. If your ex-spouse

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Southside's Top Child Support Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559