Removal Basics (Out-of-State Relocation) "Removal" is the legal term of art lawyers use to describe the situation where a divorced parent with custody or joint custody of minor children wants to move out of state and take the kids with him / her. Removal cases can be quite easy. They can also be very difficult – it depends largely on the way the case is prepared. Our advice is to begin working with an attorney very early on – certainly well before the relocation is finalized. Don’t wait to the last minute to do what needs to be done in court. Start early so that our skilled and experienced attorneys have time to address any unconsidered factors that may possibly prevent the move. Perhaps more importantly, start your removal case early enough to account for a slow court system that could delay the move beyond a critical deadline. Out-of-State Vacations and Temporary Removal: Illinois law requires a parent to inform the other parent (or his or her attorney) of the locati...