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Showing posts from March, 2014

Civil Union in Illinos

What is a civil union? In Illinois, a civil union is a legal relationship between two people — either of the same or different sex — providing all of the legal obligations, responsibilities, protections and benefits that the law of Illinois grants to married couples. But a civil union is not a marriage; a civil union does not provide federal protections or responsibilities to couples who enter into one, and a civil union will be recognized only in certain other states, not by all states.   Download a copy of the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act . What rights and responsibilities will couples have if they get a civil union? Couples who enter into a civil union in Illinois have every obligation and protection provided by Illinois law to married couples. These obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits may be found in Illinois statutes, administrative rules, policies, court decisions (common law), or any other source of state law....