How to Manage Your Money For a Promising Future Post-Divorce Managing money may be one of the most complex adjustments after your divorce is official, but there are ways you can quickly put money back into your bank account. By Paisley Hansen Updated: November 25, 2020 Categories: Divorce Process , Financial Issues Even in the best of circumstances divorce can feel jarring, tumultuous, and present new challenges. The reality is that a chapter of your life is ending and untangling two lives can be messy. One necessary result of divorce is a need to start over. For a promising future post-divorce, this means that an evaluation of managing your money will be crucial. You likely need to learn to account for different income, budgets, reduce expenses, and reevaluate savings. If you are looking to manage your money effectively, efficiently, and with savings in mind, here are a few things that you need to know. Tips on Managing Your Money For a Promi...