Dating as a Single Parent: 8 Questions to Consider One of the greatest challenges of single parenting is being able to take care of your needs for adult companionship and love while nurturing your children at the same time. Take your time: don’t rush into a new relationship because you fear being alone. By Diana Shepherd, CDFA® Updated: April 15, 2021 Categories: Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce , Coping with Divorce , Relationships and Dating After your relationship breaks down, you need to invest some time and effort to heal your broken heart. Once you have gotten past the “walking wounded” stage, you may be interested in finding a new mate. On the other hand, some single parents avoid the dating world altogether, choosing instead to devote all their time outside work to their children. However, experts say that becoming socially active after divorce can help prevent a parent from becoming unhealthily obsessive about his or her parent...