Why High Interest Rates Shouldn’t Deter You From Refinancing If You Want To Keep Your Marital Home You are not refinancing your home for typical reasons. You are refinancing because of your divorce, and you want to keep your home. By Jeff Landers Updated: July 14, 2022 Categories: Considering Divorce , Coping with Divorce , Financial Issues , Gray Divorce , Life After Divorce , Your Home and Divorce Of course, high-interest rates do matter. The higher the rate, the higher your monthly payment. But if you are refinancing your current home mortgage into just your name so that you can keep your marital home, the most important things to determine are: 1) can you qualify for the mortgage amount you need to pay off the current mortgage balance (and perhaps any additional amount you may need to buy out your spouse’s share of the home’s equity) and 2) can you afford the monthly mortgage payments, real estate taxes, homeowner’s insur...