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Showing posts from October, 2024

4 Tips to Having Difficult Conversations With Your Ex

4 Tips to Having Difficult Conversations With Your Ex By  Mardi Winder-Adams ,  Certified Divorce Transition Coach, Board Certified Executive Leadership Coach, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional Having difficult conversations with your ex  before, during, and even after a divorce  can feel overwhelming, especially if problems communicating were a part of your life together. While it may seem like conflict is inevitable, using a few practical communication techniques can help create opportunities for collaboration, even when emotions like anger, hurt, or frustration are still a reality in the relationship. You can transform these challenging discussions into productive conversations by focusing on strategies like active listening, reframing, emotional regulation, and solution-focused conversations. Here are 4 tips to having difficult conversations with your ex:   1.  The Power of Active Listening Getting caught up in what you want to say during a hea...

Does Couples Counseling Work? Sometimes

Does Couples Counseling Work? Sometimes. By  Ginny Wright, Ph.D. ,  Clinical Psychologist and Certified Discernment Counselor, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional Does couples counseling work? Consider a common scenario: Jack is convinced that his marriage with Diane is over. After years of struggle, arguments and distance,  he announces his already-formulated plan to end the marriage.  Diane is shocked. She knew they had problems but didn’t think he would actually “pull the plug” on their marriage. In turn, Jack is astonished that his proclamation comes as a surprise; they both knew the relationship was in trouble and both had threatened divorce in moments of anger. Both spouses panic. Each confides in friends, co-workers, and family members. Almost certainly, they hear a chorus of:  “You should try couples counseling.” It is a reasonable suggestion but likely to be unhelpful for this couple. Let’s examine why. Does couples counseling work? The Value of ...

Southside's Top Custody and Child Support Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Chicago's Top Rated Divorce Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

The Truth Behind Why Women File For Divorce More Often Than Men

The Truth Behind Why Women File For Divorce More Often Than Men There are several possible explanations for why women file for divorce more often than men, including changing gender roles, infidelity, financial independence, domestic violence, and communication issues. By  Divorced Moms   Updated: April 04, 2023 Categories:  Coping with Divorce ,  Coping with Divorce According to statistics, women file for divorce more often than men. This has been a consistent trend for decades, and it raises the question of why this is the case. Why Women File for Divorce More Often Than Men There are several possible explanations for this phenomenon, including changing gender roles, infidelity, financial independence, domestic violence, and communication issues. Changing Gender Roles One potential reason why women file for divorce more often than men is because of changing gender roles. In the past, women were expected to take on a more subservient role in the household, which oft...

The Breaking Point Before Divorce

The Breaking Point Before Divorce The story of the final breaking point leading to my divorce with an abusive husband. By  PhoenixRising   Updated: March 30, 2023 Categories:  Considering Divorce ,  Inspirational Stories and Advice ,  Preparing for Divorce It’s Saturday morning in October in the Northeast. The wind blowing through the open bay windows is crisp and carries hints of freshly brewed coffee from the kitchen downstairs. It’s 7 A.M. and the baby is sleeping, the house is quiet. Although I was up for several feedings though out the night, the morning is welcoming and promising of a fresh start on a new day. This is the story of my breaking point before divorce. My Breaking Point Before Divorce This Saturday begins as any normal weekend; my husband left for work at 5am, 45 minutes away in the city. He slept a peaceful 9 hours despite our daughters’ screaming outbursts throughout the night; not like he has ever gotten up to help, anyway.  I tiptoe ou...

Southside's Top Child Support Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Chicago's Top Rated Divorce Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love

Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love By  Jackie Pilossoph ,  Founder, Divorced Girl Smiling, the place to find trusted, vetted divorce professionals, a podcast, website and mobile app. Let’s talk about unconditional love vs conditional love. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful sounds in the world is that of a child singing. So, when I happened to walk by my 12-year-old daughter’s room recently and heard her sweet voice singing the new R. City and Adam Levine hit song,  “Locked Away (Would You Still Love Me The Same)”  I stood outside the door and listened. “If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?” she sang. “If I showed you my flaws, if I couldn’t be strong, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?” With instant tears in my eyes, I wanted to burst into her room, grab her and say, “Yes!”       The unconditional love that all parents have for their children never wavers, as far...

Child Support Statistics That Might Surprise You

Child Support Statistics That Might Surprise You By  Ellen Feldman ,  Attorney and Divorce Mediator, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional In a perfect world, child support is calculated and implemented based on a formula. Number of overnights per year, who pays for health insurance to cover the children and salaries of  both parents  are entered into a software program, called Family Law Software, which determines the amount of child support a parent pays the other. The person pays that amount on a monthly basis and the couple continue to parent their children as they have agreed or been ordered to do.  Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, people don’t always follow the law. Child support statistics of non-compliance are staggering. Fiscal 2023 Preliminary Data Report and Tables from the Office of Child Support Services  report upsetting trends. The median amount that custodial parents were supposed to receive was $4,356 per year but the media...

Southside's Top Rated Child Support Lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559  

Chicago's Top Rated Divorce lawyers

Chicago Illinois Divorce and Family Law, Mehta Family Law Group of Chicago. The Mehta Law Group is one of Chicago’s premier law firms. Our team of lawyers and staff are here to serve you and to help you build a better future for yourself and your family. We represent individuals, families, and children in every aspect of the legal process from beginning to end. Our attorneys bring with them over 30 years of combined experience, we are professional, and treat every individual with the respect they deserve. We are hardworking and don’t back down, our goals is always to advocate for our clients, to ensure a positive end result... Call Chicago IL Divorce Lawyers Now...... Call Now 312-374-4559